The MOOC Revolution: Law Schools

Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics

School: Wesleyan University
Platform: Coursera
Link: Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics
Start Date: February 3, 2014
Workload: 2-4 Hours a Week (6 Weeks)
Instructor: Richard Adelstein
Graded: If Student complete all six quizzes with a grade of 75% or higher, they will receive a Statement of Accomplishment to reflect that they successfully completed the course.
Description: This course explores how the law acts as an economic system, with its own set of inner workings and logic. The course addresses the impact of commerce on property law, torts, intellectual property, liability, and criminal procedure. It contains 39 lectures, lasting between 15-30 minutes, along with practice questions to prepare students for weekly quizzes.
Review: “I can’t make up my mind about this course. On one hand, the material was presented in a clear way, with lots of examples and that was good, but I felt it was very chaotic. I feel that the lecturer was not able to show to us what was actually the overall thought behind this course – other than presenting us with a set of legal notions. Each week was pretty separate from another week and it was difficult to understand what was the purpose of the entire course” For additional reviews, click here.
Additional Background: Although there are no required readings, Professor Adelstein will direct students to various judicial opinions to further their understanding of various concepts.