Law Student Loses His Mind In Nasty Note, Wishes Decades Of Debt Upon Classmates
Law school can be a stressful place. There are heaping piles of cases and legislation to read. There are exams galore. And the entire time, there is no guarantee that it will all pay with your dream job. Or any job at all for that matter. But law school isn’t all bad. It can be a huge growing experience, professionally and personally.
Unfortunately, stress often overwhelms students. Sometimes, stress comes out in explosions over stolen food from community refrigerators. Last November, the food heists were getting so egregious the school threatened to report the perpetrators (if caught) to appropriate authorities and bar officials. A few weeks before that was reported, Above the Law was tipped to a story about a University of Michigan Law School student who wrote a nasty email to the entire law school to the thief stealing his apple.
This past week, a student at Texas Tech University School of Law took the anger from having fruit stolen to an entirely new level. This time, it was a package of juicy blueberries. The letter left on the refrigerator began with the utmost example of passive aggressiveness. The first sentence states, “I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the blueberries you stole from me.”
The rest of the letter suggests the angered student didn’t actually feel that way. The letter goes on to say, “Have you been a thief for the whole of your miserable existence? Do you steal because you are hungry? Or do you steal because you have no morals? No honor? No dignity?”
The letter goes on to say the thief could’ve asked any other students for help. After all, the students of Texas Tech are good and upright citizens, more than willing to help out their fellow woman or man. But instead they chose the “easier” path and stole.
Then the note just gets downright odious. The writer says, “I hope that no state in our Union admits you to its bar and that as a result you struggle for decades to pay off your student loans.”
The note ends with an uplifting thought, “May you hunt and scavenge for sustenance for the rest of your life, you troglodyte.” We’ve all learned the lesson. Never steal blueberries from a Texas Tech law student.
Source: Above the Law
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