Seven Ways To Motivate Yourself In Law School
As the first story stated, law school can be tedious, time consuming, and boring (at times). So, what do you do to keep motivated? To keep producing good work when it is March and winter and the semester are seemingly endless? A 3L from across the Pond recently published some tips in The Guardian.
The first piece of advice offered is particularly helpful in classes with some of the brightest and most competitve students. It is to not compare yourself with others. This flows into tip number two: Be yourself. Not measuring yourself against others and remembering who you are can help in keeping your sanity and moments of panic. Being the best version of you is all you can do. Anything else is probably unhelpful and unhealthy.
Another set of advice is to have a plan and goal. Hopefully a 1L has at least some idea of what they want to do. It is always good to remember first, why they are going to law school and then the planned outcome. Next, the author notes the benefit of a little positive thought, such as remembering how hard you worked to be in the position of a law student at any level. It is a lot of work and a ton of preparation goes into getting to law school. That in itself is a proven sign of success.
Finally the author urges readers to be consistent and keep looking for opportunities. It is essential to be consistent in schedule from eating to study schedule. Schedules are important in an intense academic environment. Looking for opportunities means networking with legal professionals, professors, and your fellow students. This can keep you motivated, knowledgeable about the job market, and could lead to a relationship that will lead to a job. All good things.
Source: The Guardian
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