What To Know About This Year’s Application Cycle

This application cycle is seeing an increase in people applying to law school.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the social climate in the US are some of the potential reasons behind the jump in applications.

Ilana Kowarski, a reporter for US News, recently spoke to experts on what the jump in applications means for applicants and how they should respond.


While experts say it’s too early to tell definitively how competitive this admissions cycle will be, they do predict that the total number of applicants will be around 10% higher than last year.

Kellye Testy, president and CEO of the LSAC, cites a significant increase in LSAT registrations as evidence behind a bump in applications for law schools.

Yet, experts also point to the economic downturn as a potential reason behind the increase in applications. The unemployment rate hit 6.9% in October, according to the Congressional Research Service.

“Graduate admissions in general is counter-cyclical,” Linda Abraham, the founder of Accepted, tells US News. “Some applicants due to the recession have lost their jobs, fear losing their jobs or being unable to find one, or are stagnating professionally.”


Experts recommend that applicants submit their applications in a timely fashion this year – especially given the possibility that it may be more competitive.

“Admission will be more competitive and scholarship money may tighten up, especially later in the admissions cycle,” Michael Scharf, dean of Case Western Reserve University School of Law, tells US News.

With many law schools accepting on a rolling basis, timeliness is key. Applicants, however, should remember that quality is just as critical as timeliness.

Check out our last post for a law school application checklist.

Sources: US News, Congressional Research Service, Tipping the Scales