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U.S. Supreme Court appointee Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh Will Teach At George Mason Law

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will continue his plans to teach at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School despite heavy pushback from students.
CBN News reports that the university officially made the decision following a town hall meeting last week where more than 10,000 signatures petitioning against Kavanaugh were presented.
The university’s decision came after students held a town hall last week and presented more than 10,000 signatures petitioning school administrators to fire Kavanaugh over the sexual assault allegations leveled against him last year by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
“Even if the outcome is painful, what’s at stake is very, very important for the integrity of the university,” George Mason University president Angel Cabrera told students at the town hall.
Student Reaction
Many students were outspoken about the university’s decision, with many arguing that the university doesn’t care for student mental health.
“In hiring Kavanaugh, to what extent did you consider the mental health of the survivors on campus and how that might affect them and their education?” one male student at the meeting said.
“Do you feel comfortable having your daughter around an alleged assaulter? I don’t have children and the answer is no. It shouldn’t have been a complicated question.” David Hamlette, a 19-year-old sophomore, tells Huff Post.
Kavanaugh was accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford, a former high school classmate of his. On October 6, he was confirmed to the Supreme Court.
He is under contract to teach one course at GMU’s Antonin Scalia Law School in the UK for the following three summers, according to CBN News.
Sources: CBN News, Huff Post