Stressed Over LSAT Exam Day? Do This

With the October LSAT approaching fast, many test takers may be feeling a sense of anxiety and stress leading up to exam day. Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach and contributor at US News, recently offered a few tips on how to keep a clear mindset over the next few days.


If you’ve already spent the past couple of months doing solid preparation for the LSAT, it won’t bring much benefit to take new practice tests right before the exam. Rather, Kuris advises test-takers to spend the days leading up to exam day reviewing notes and recently completed practice tests to solidify your knowledge and skills.

“The week before the LSAT is an excellent time to consolidate everything you’ve learned about the test,” Kuris writes. “It might help to take out a big sheet of poster board, or open a fresh document on your computer, and organize all that information into an outline, flow chart or mind map. Writing down information makes it easier to remember and integrate. It can also reveal gaps in your knowledge while you still have some time to address them.”


In the days leading up to the exam, anxiety can be at an all-time high. Experts recommend conserving your energy in order to have a strong, positive mindset come exam day.

“It is natural to feel a surge of nervous energy before the test,” Kuris writes. “The trick is to channel that energy productively to stay alert through a long test, instead of burning it through anxious and racing thoughts.”

If you find yourself wanting to ditch your efforts last minute, Kuris says, remind yourself about the ‘why.’

“Review your list of dream schools,” Kuris writes. “Visit their websites and reflect on why you look forward to being a student there. Imagine how it will feel to receive that acceptance letter.”

With anything in life, perspective can play a key role in helping you get through the thick and thin.

“Studying for the LSAT can be a frustrating and humbling experience, but you should try to keep things in perspective,” Ashley Heidemann of National Jurist writes. “At the end of the day, it’s just a test. If you don’t get the score you want, you can retake it. If something happens that throws a wrench in your preparations, you can reschedule it.”

Sources: US News, National Jurist