California Incubator Grants Put Young Lawyers To Work
Sometimes legal leaders just get it. They understand the real-life problems others have and then try to do something about them. The California Commission on Access to Justice is one of those entities. They get it. The organization announced this week that they would be dishing out $185,000 to one existing legal incubator and three new ones that will be established.
What’s a legal incubator? In California’s case, it is a program where ecent law school grads can gain experience while providing legal services to state populations that would otherwise unable to afford it. Everyone wins! California Supreme Court Justice, Goodwin Liu told The National Law Journal that this could be a program that is soon adopted nation-wide.
The incubators create partnerships between law schools, bar organizations, and legal aid providers. Participating recent graduates receive mentorship, training, free or subsidized office space, and clients of “modest-means,” while providing legal counseling for below market value.
The Bay Area Regional Incubator Project, the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium, and the Orange County Incubator Consortium each received $45,000 grants, while the San Joaquin Valley Incubator Consortium will receive $50,000. The money is coming from the Ford Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, and the California Bar Foundation.
The existing Orange County incubator includes University of California, Irvine School of Law, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law, Western State University School of Law, and Whittier Law School.
The Los Angeles incubator includes the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, Pepperdine University School of Law, and Southwestern Law School.
The Bay Area incubator includes Santa Clara University School of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law, Golden Gate University School of Law, University of California, Hastings School of Law, and University of California, Berkeley School of Law.
Source: The National Law Journal
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