This Law School’s Newest Class is Majority Female
In a historic moment, women now make up a majority of the entering class at the University of Alabama School of Law.
Out of the 137 first-year law students this year, 53% are women, according to the Alabama News Center.
“On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, it seems appropriate that women are now attending law schools in numbers commensurate with their presence in the larger population,” Dr. Mark E. Brandon, dean of UA’s School of Law, says in a press release. “Women in law school are achieving at the highest levels, and it’s important that we, as a society, are beginning to benefit more fully from the talents and contributions of all members, regardless of sex.”
The newest class at the law school is one of the most diverse yet.
Drawing from nearly 1,500 applicants, the students hail from 24 states as well as countries, like China. 19% of the class identifies as racial or ethnic minority.
Additionally, this year’s first-year students have studied, worked, or lived in 28 countries, can read or speak 14 languages, and include students who have worked for US senators, members of Congress, or district attorneys.
“Individually and collectively, you are impressive,” Brandon stated in his opening remarks to the class. “All of us are excited to be able to welcome you into the community that is Alabama Law.”
Sources: Alabama News Center, Alabama Law