Famous People Who Failed The Bar

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Should I Retake the LSAT?

People devote months studying for the LSAT. When you earn a disappointing score, you’ll naturally ask: Do I really want to do that again?
So, when is a score high enough? A U.S. News and World Report reader recently posed that question to Shawn O’Connor, Founder and President of Stratus Prep, a leading test preparation and consulting firm. The reader noted that he scored 3-4 points below his practice test average. However, his LSAT tutor advised him that his score was good enough.
While the reader never revealed his actual score (or school choices), O’Connor encouraged him to re-take the test. “Assuming you have a stellar application, a 3- or 4-point increase could be the difference between rejection and acceptance with a significant scholarship at many schools.”
O’Connor also encouraged his reader to factor timing and effort into his calculation. For example, re-taking the LSAT would delay his application. However, as O’Connor notes, that shouldn’t be an issue if the reader re-takes the LSAT in September. “Applications to law school are generally considered on a rolling basis so applying in October or November tends to be advantageous. This early advantage is worth the equivalent of 1-2 points more on the LSAT.”
Finally, O’Connor reminded his reader to learn whether a school accepts the highest LSAT score or averages them. “[If a school averages them], an increase of 4 points will translate into an increase of just 2 points when the scores are averaged.” It’s a classic risk-reward proposition. O’Connor notes that students “should plan to dedicate at least 10 hours a week to studying to maintain [their] skills” (i.e. their LSAT scores).
Source: U.S. News and World Report

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Source: Michigan Law and Harvard Law