Unsure About Law School? Three Questions To Ask
Attending law school is no easy feat. But how can you know for certain if it’s the right choice before shelling out thousands of dollars?
Ilana Kowarski, a reporter at US News, recently discussed how prospective law students can decide whether or not law school is right for them.
Experts say it’s important for prospective law students to know why exactly it is they want to go to law school before pursuing the degree.
“A college graduate should not go to law school only because he or she is able to get admitted into law school and does not know what he or she wants to do after college,” Stuart B. Wolfe, a co-founder and partner with Wolfe & Wyman LLP, tells US News.
In an interview with CNBC, Laura Hosid, a law school admissions and career counselor, says prospective law students should ask themselves why they really want to attend law school.
“Find out how valuable they would view a law degree if you were looking for a job in their position,” she tells CNBC. “Just because you see a lot of people have law degrees, it might not be the case that it’s necessary”
For many, cost will be a critical factor in their decision to attend law school.
Experts also caution prospective students about simply attending law school in hopes that you’ll receive a high salary post grad.
“There’s really no material reward you get that compensates for not liking what you do,” Jory Lange, a food safety attorney with The Lange Law Firm, PLLC, tells US News.
Rather than banking on hopes, it can be helpful to look at hard employment data for the law schools you’re interested in applying to.
We recently covered off on Law.com’s “Top Go-To Law Schools,” where applicants can see which law schools send the most grads to BigLaw jobs.
At the end of the day, attending law school is a decision that should be made with strong reason and motive.
With the amount of time and money invested into the degree, prospective students need to have a compelling reason why law school is right for them, experts say.
“Overall, I’d suggest that anybody thinking about going to law school talk to some folks who did go to law school and are using their degrees in ways similar to those that you think will engage you,” David Jacoby, a partner in the New York office of Culhane Meadows PLLC law firm, tells US News.
Sources: US News, CNBC, Tipping the Scales