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Harvard Law Tops Social Science Research Network Rankings

There are many educators who believe research citations best reflect the quality of a law school. And if you subscribe to that theory, then boy do we have a ranking for you!
This week, the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) released its rankings of the most cited law school scholars. SSRN, the world’s top open-access repository, contains over 426,000 full-text documents by more than 242,000 authors. Not surprisingly, Harvard Law dominates when it comes to citations.
According to the study, SSRN’s most-cited author is Luchian A. Bebchuk, a Harvard Law professor who specializes in finance and economics. He has had 4,171 papers cite his work – and over 200,000 readers download his work (including nearly 18,000 readers in 2013 alone). He was followed by another Harvard Law faculty member, Steven Shavell, who also writes on economic issues. The top three is rounded out by Bernard S. Black, who teaches at both Northwestern University’s law school and the Kellogg School of Management.
Overall, 6 of the 10 most cited law professors are part of the Harvard Law faculty, with the only woman among the top 10 being Harvard’s Alma Cohen.
Here is the list of SSRN’s most cited legal scholars, along with the law school where they teach:
1) Luchian A. Bebchuck (Harvard)
2) Steven Shavell (Harvard)
3) Bernard S. Black (Northwestern)
4) James R. Hines Jr. (Michigan)
5) A. Mitchell Polinsky (Stanford)
6) Louis Kaplow (Harvard)
7) Jesse M. Fried (Harvard)
8) John C. Coffee Jr. (Columbia)
9) Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard)
10) Alma Cohen (Harvard)
To access the complete rankings, click here.
Source: Harvard Law