Applying To Law School Like It’s 1976

St. Louis University School of Law

St. Louis University School of Law

Beautiful Things Can Stem From Tragedy

Unless being off the continent in the past month, everyone is very aware of what has and is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. The small St. Louis suburb has been through a lot since the Aug. 9 killing of teenager Michael Brown. As media coverage dies down and things settle, we have and hopefully will see more positive stories surfacing. One of these stories came from the past weekend and involves the St. Louis University School of Law.
SLU Law doesn’t pick up a lot of national (or regional) news and is often over-shadowed by its more prominent neighbor to the west (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law). A few SLU Law students spent this past Saturday promoting their Community Legal Education Program. The program was established to aid the Ferguson community in understanding the complexities surrounding the Michael Brown case in Ferguson. Topics ranged from search and seizure rights to citizen rights to not consent to a police search to if citizens are required to stay and talk to police.
This particular event was an initial meeting to get an understanding of the basic legal knowledge amongst community members. And this is the type of activities and presence law school should have in their communities. Students and faculty are rolling up their sleeves and going to work for the community instead of staying in the classroom and studying cases.
The beauty of this is the possibility of the legal being a true advocate and defender of the public. It shows the community the importance. It shows law students there is a law career outside of big law firm life. It gives the professors a teaching moment. Win-win-win. The next step? Start having these types of things without a tragedy. Regardless, thank you, SLU Law.
Source: St. Louis American

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Source: Bloomberg Law

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