Now it was June and past the honeymoon stage. Honestly, law school was not feeling like the best match anymore. The issue: I was enamored with the idea of being an attorney—not actually being one. There were other ways I could impact underserved populations and policy. And I already had the education and skillset to do just that.
Regardless, the picture isn’t exactly as bleak as my contacts portrayed. According to the American Bar Association, the percentage of employed law school graduates increased 0.3% from 2012 to 2013 and 1% from 2011 to 2012. The employment rate was near 98% for the class of 2013. The total graduates have also increased (albeit by 0.01%). Law School Transparency notes law schools are doing better with entry numbers, creating a ratio of new students to new lawyers at a near decade low of 1.5:1.
It was a civil ending to a 10-month relationship. It just wasn’t the right fit. There are no regrets or hard feelings—just a pristine respect for those who do embark on the law school voyage. As my friend said, there is a need for good lawyers in this country.
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